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3D imaging approach promises to improve medical diagnostic capabilities

The research paper notes that the technique, holds 'immense potential for revolutionising cancer diagnosis, early detection, patient stratification, and monitoring.'

The research paper notes that the technique, holds 'immense potential for revolutionising cancer diagnosis, early detection, patient stratification, and monitoring.'

A multinational team of researchers have unveiled an emerging approach for examining the intricate microstructures of biological tissues called 3D Mueller matrix imaging, which can provide detailed insights into the microstructural organisation, enhancing medical diagnostic capabilities.

Outlined in Scientific Reports, the technique, which harnesses the polarisation properties of light, offers a non-invasive method to probe the complex architecture of polycrystalline structures within dried blood samples. In doing so, it can deliver findings with 90% accuracy. 

Understanding polycrystalline microstructures

Polycrystalline microstructures are characterised by the presence of multiple crystalline grains, each with its own orientation. In biomedical analysis, these microstructures can reveal key information about the health and functionality of blood cells.

Existing imaging techniques have traditionally failed to capture the full complexity of these structures, which is what makes the 3D Mueller matrix imaging approach a yardstick; it allows researchers to overcome these limitations by offering a comprehensive view of the microstructural arrangement.

The newly-proposed technique works by measuring the changes in the polarisation state of light as it interacts with the sample. This interaction provides a depth of information about the sample’s optical properties, such as birefringence, depolarisation, and diattenuation.

The researchers were able to scope the samples using an 633-nanometer interferometer, capable of providing 3D information about the proteins being imaged. By analysing these properties, researchers can then construct detailed 3D images that reveal the orientation and distribution of crystalline grains within the blood. 

Enhancing medical diagnostic capabilities 

The application of 3D Mueller matrix imaging to blood samples opens up exciting new avenues for medical diagnostics and research. 

One of the most promising aspects of this technique is its ability to detect subtle changes in the microstructure that may indicate the presence of diseases such as malaria and sickle cell anaemia. One such example is the ability to detect the changes in the 3D shape of proteins during the early stages of cancer.

Professor Meglinski of Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies said: "Our study introduces a pioneering technique to the liquid biopsy domain, aligning with the ongoing quest for non-invasive, reliable and efficient diagnostic methods. A key advancement in our study is the characterisation of the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis of distributions with the cells which is crucial for identifying significant differences between healthy and cancerous samples.”

He continued: "This breakthrough opens new avenues for cancer diagnosis and monitoring, representing a substantial leap forward in personalised medicine and oncology."

By providing a more detailed and accurate representation of the blood film’s microstructure, this method can enhance the early detection and diagnosis of such conditions. Its non-invasive nature also makes it an attractive option for ongoing monitoring of patients with chronic haematological disorders. Regular imaging, without more traumatic options like biopsies, can help to track the progression of the disease and the effectiveness of treatments, providing valuable feedback to healthcare providers.

Reflecting on these characteristics, Meglinski concluded: “This high level of precision, combined with the non-invasive nature of the technique, marks a significant advancement in liquid biopsy technology. It holds immense potential for revolutionising cancer diagnosis, early detection, patient stratification and monitoring, thereby greatly enhancing patient care and treatment outcomes.”

Lead image: National Cancer Institute/Unsplash 

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