Basler has reported sales of €28.1m for the first half of 2011, exceeding the previous year's value of €22.6m by 24 per cent.
The group's incoming orders were €30.2m (previous year: €29.6m, +2 per cent), while the earnings before taxes (EBT) totalled €3.3m (previous year: €2.2m, +50 per cent).
The operating cash flow increased in the reporting period to €4.5m (previous year: €2.8m; +61 per cent). At the end of the reporting period, liquid assets amounted to €6.8m and were thus by 28 per cent above the figure of the comparison period in the previous year (€5.3m).
'We will show solid profitable growth also in fiscal year 2011. This will be driven by our core business with digital cameras that will increase in the double-digit range,' commented Dr Dietmar Ley, CEO.
Basler's forecast turnover for the 2011 fiscal year is between €54-€58m (previous year: €51.0m). The earnings before taxes are predicted to be at least €5.4m (previous year: €5.0m).