e2v, a designer, developer and manufacturer of specialised components and subsystems, has won a contract to supply imaging sensors to the Space Application Centre (SAC), part of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), for their new satellites.
As part of the ISRO's plan to develop imaging resource satellites, the SAC will develop the Resourcesat 3 and Cartosat 3 satellites using e2v's charge coupled devices (CCDs).
The high performance e2v CCD sensors utilise TDI (Time Delay Integration), anti blooming functionalities and back thinning post processing to obtain high quantum efficiency. This will provide Indian earth observation programmes with superior resolution enabling the monitoring of land and urban development, agriculture and soil, forests, environment, and also aid in disaster support situations.
Brian McAllister, general manager of Space and Scientific Imaging at e2v, said: 'This is a significant new contract for e2v. These devices will be designed and manufactured in Grenoble, highlighting the synergies of the Grenoble facility with our traditional Chelmsford based space imaging expertise and expanding the type of products e2v can supply to space agencies. We are proud to support SAC ISRO for these earth observation developments.'