Olmec UK has designed a turnkey laser height system for inspecting bearings used in the railway industry. Using a LMI Gocator 3D smart camera, which includes an integrated laser source and optics and provides on-board processing of 3D data, the system measures the height of various bearings used in bogies in the rail industry. The bearing consists of a number of different components and if any part is missing the height of the bearing will differ from that which is expected.
The Gocator 2050 sensor is mounted over the existing conveyor on the OE Line and offers a field of view of 158-365mm and a measurement depth range of 400mm. Bearings with a height range of 125-285mm are measured to a tolerance of ±1mm. The system provides a recipe selection and sensor management interface based on Olmec’s modular VP3 touch screen user interface.
Statistics such as the number of parts processed, and pass and fail criteria may be displayed on the touch screen as well as any other dimension/statistical data output from the camera.
An integrated industrial PC is connected to the Gocator for management of the overall system. Error handling and interfacing to the existing process is handled using a programmable logic controller.