Oxford Instruments, a provider of high-technology tools for industry and research has acquired Andor Technology. Andor will continue to focus on growing its existing core markets and will spearhead Oxford Instruments' strategic expansion into the nano-bio arena.
Jonathan Flint, chief executive of Oxford Instruments, explained: ‘We want to be part of a future which sees the use of nanotechnology tools in the biological arena, for both analysis and eventually fabrication of bio-materials. Andor brings extensive knowledge of this market, a range of innovative products and a strong brand that will accelerate our expansion into this new market for Oxford Instruments.’
For Andor joining the group means increased investment in R&D, expansion of its product range and the opportunity to broaden its reach into new markets and applications.
Andor’s managing director, Conor Walsh, said: ‘We look forward to the challenges and opportunities that are ahead of us. Andor has a deserved reputation for innovation and excellence which will continue to be at the core of our growth and success as part of Oxford Instruments.'