As part of the EG100 framework agreement, Robot Nederland, a member of Jenoptik’s Traffic Solutions division, has been awarded a contract to deliver over 130 stationary roadside speed measurement systems to the Central Justitieel Incassobureau (CJIB) in the Netherlands.
The deal for the division incorporates an eight-year operation and maintenance contract. Roll-out is expected to start in the first half of 2014. The total order value is in the single-digit million euro range.
The intelligent system can measure approaching and departing traffic. The overall solution produces high resolution images to show make and model of vehicles and differentiates between different vehicle classes.
’We are delighted to be able to continue our collaboration with the CJIB over the next few years, as it is important to us to further strengthen our presence in the Netherlands,’ said Harold van Laarhoven, managing director of Robot Nederland.