Stemmer Imaging, a European imaging technology provider, has met its 2009/10 financial year target with overall sales of 35.7 million euro, despite the recession.
Stemmer Imaging works with subsidiaries in Germany, UK, France and Switzerland. The German headquarters was able to achieve sales of 21.3 million euro and thus exceeded its target. With that result, the company's percentage growth was better than the German market average. Far above the average was the French subsidiary, Stemmer Imaging S.A.S., which reached sales of 5.9 million euro, an increase of 16.8 per cent compared to the year before.
'I'm extremely delighted that Stemmer Imaging was able to finish the difficult financial year without any loss of personnel,' commented managing director Christof Zollitsch. 'The business progress, especially since the beginning of 2010, gives me a very optimistic view of the future where we will continue to put as much effort as possible into our goal: To help our customers in the best possible way to solve their imaging tasks.'