The Chinese police force is using a UV imaging system scope for forensic and crime scene investigations. The Beijing Huaan Xunchi Police Equipment (Beijing, China) has implemented Resolve Optics' Model 228 Forensic UV Lens in its Reflected UV Imaging System (RUVIS) scope.
Jia Zhenglu, sales manager of the Beijing Huaan Xunchi Police Equipment commented: 'Traditionally our RUVIS scope has relied upon a fixed focus 78mm UV lens, image intensifier and camera to photograph latent prints before beginning processing and collection. We have chosen to replace the fixed focus lens with the Resolve Optics Model 228 Forensic UV lens as it offers many advantages both in terms of performance and ease-of-use.'
The Model 228 lens provides high performance in both the UV and visible wavebands, which enable investigators to identify and focus on a target in the visible and then quickly slide the UV filter across to take images in the UV without having to refocus. By using a novel telescopic focusing mount the lens gives a large movement in an extremely compact form. This provides the lens with the capability to image objects from infinity to 1:1.25 magnification without using add-on adapters.