Toshiba Teli has launched the FireDragon series of progressive scan CCD cameras, available in monochrome and colour versions. Resolutions include: VGA (640 × 480 pixels at 90fps); XGA (1024 × 768 pixels at 36fps); SXGA (1280 × 960 pixels at 20fps); and UXGA (1600 × 1200 pixels at 15fps).
The compact and vibration resistant housing (44 × 29 × 44mm) is supplied with power through its 800Mb/s FireWire b interface (IEEE 1394b, downward compatible with the Mb/s IEEE 1394a connections) providing compact image processing solutions. With the help of its integrated image processing, the cameras can output uncompressed raw image files (with 8 or 10-bit per colour channel), RGB data (24-bit) as well as compressed YUV4:2:2 (16-bit) or YUV4:1:1 (12-bit) data.
Cameras supporting global shutter can even image fast-moving objects free of distortion. This qualifies them for mechanical production and logistics including object recognition, parts inspection, quality assurance, optical barcode and character recognition as well as microscopy and medical applications.