With the HySpex Mjolnir-1024, Norsk Elektro Optikk (NEO) introduces a new hyperspectral camera for UAV applications. It is a complete solution for producing the highest quality georeferenced data of scientific grade.
A system includes the hyperspectral camera, a powerful computer and the Applanix APX-15 UAV (GNSS-Inertial component) inside a small chassis with less than 4.5kg in total weight. Its rugged design, various downlink capabilities as well as good thermal and mechanical stability makes it an ideal tool for a wide range of UAV applications. The HySpex Mjolnir-1024 covers the VNIR spectral range from 400 - 1000nm with 200 spectral bands. It is built with an optical architecture based on the high-end HySpex ODIN system. The low noise floor combined with the high-end calibrations applied by NEO, makes the Mjolnir an ideal tool for scientific usage. Using the ‘Camflight FX8HL Robot’, we can offer a complete solution with an endurance of about 30 minutes of flight time to cover large areas easier and faster.