Five channel multispectral cameras from Quest Innovations are now available with an M42 lens mount interface. The lens mount is a screw thread mounting standard for attaching lenses to cameras - a metric screw thread of 42mm diameter and 1mm thread pitch. This lens mount allows special designed 400-1,000nm apochromatic lenses making it an ideal combination for multispectral measurements.
The Condor-1000 MS5-285 is a 2/3-inch prism camera based on the Sony ICX285 sensor, an interline CCD solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array. Three sensors capture the red, green and blue visible colours, while the remaining two are used for near infrared bands 700-850nm and 850-1,000nm. For each channel it provides a programmable LUT and independent gain and exposure control. All channels are synchronised to prevent motion aberration between channels.