Photonfocus has released its MV1-D1600 camera series based on the e2v EV76C570 1,600 x 1,200, 4.5µm pixel pitch image sensor. Available in monochrome or colour, the MV1-D1600(C)-120-CL-10 features a Base Camera Link interface, and the MV1-D1600(C)-120-G2-10 features a GigE interface and is GigE Vision and GenICam compatible.
All models operate at 60fps and up to 10 bits. The optical diagonal of the 2 megapixel image sensor EV76C570 and the camera case are identical to the Photonfocus MV1-D1280 series, based on the e2v EV76C560 and EV76C661 1.3 megapixels sensors, which allows for an easy resolution upgrade.
The MV1-D1280 camera series is now available with monochrome, colour and NIR image sensors. The e2v EV76C661 NIR CMOS sensor is implemented with deep depletion photodiodes and has exceptional high quantum efficiency in the NIR region.
Photonfocus has updated the PFInstaller to version 2.37, which includes support for the 2 megapixel and 4 megapixel Cmosis sensor cameras, as well as Halcon 10/11 examples for the laser triangulation 3D cameras.