NIT has released its NSC1005 HD-ready sensor operating in 720p mode. The sensor has 1,280 x 720 pixels of 5.6um size, equipped with microlenses and/or colour bayer filters. NSC1005 operates in rolling shutter mode up to a frame rate of 60Hz.
As with other NIT sensors, the NSC1005 benefits from the Native WDR pixel technology, which provides an instantaneous dynamic range of more than 140dB, a logarithmic response of the signal to illumination and no need for exposure time. A fixed pattern noise correction is implemented on the circuit.
The NSC1005 is available with colour bayer filters and provides sharp colour images without the need of white balance. A custom de-bayerisation algorithm is available upon request from NIT in order to operate in the logarithmic response domain.
NSC1005 is particularly useful for security and surveillance application, smart IP cameras and traffic control.