Euresys has released Open eVision 1.1, a software package dedicated to image processing and analysis and which now features Flexible Masks.
Masking a region is a powerful way of restricting the processing to a part of the image. The masked regions are freely shaped and can even be disconnected. A mask is a BW8 image coming from any program including Open eVision.
Open eVision 1.1 includes several new image processing functions, such as two feature point detectors: the optimal Canny edge detector and the Harris corner detector, popular thanks to its strong invariance to rotation, illumination variation and image noise. On top of these, a morphological operator, the Hit-and-Miss transform (on greyscale plus colour images) has been added.
Open eVision 1.1 is thread-safe and supports the latest OS including Windows Vista. It can be integrated into C++, .NET or ActiveX applications.
The distribution, installation and software-based licensing procedures of Open eVision have been specifically tailored to the needs of OEMs and system integrators.