Toshiba Teli America has introduced the SmartDragon image processor, which can connect and simultaneously receive data from up to four FireWire-B (IEEE1394.b) colour or black and white cameras.
Taking advantage of FireWire-B's 800Mb/s speed, the compact and simple-to-integrate SmartDragon features 16 insulated digital input and output terminals suitable for automated inspection needs in food and beverage, pharmaceutical, packaging, and semiconductor markets as well as factory automation. An external trigger input is used to input signals at the desired timing with variations in delay times and pulse widths, and then output from the unit's external trigger output. In addition, there are inputs for Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45), USB devices, RS-232C, and connections for a PC display, mouse and keyboard.
SmartDragon does not rely upon a hard drive for data storage, but instead uses industrial-grade CF cards of up to 4Gb in size to achieve greater reliability in industrial environments.
The SmartDragon is equipped with an Intel Pentium M 1.4GHz processor. Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 is embedded as its operating system, along with software including NET Framework 2.0 and Toshiba Teli's TeliDCAM with PC-Tri32.