Framos now supplies Smartek Vision’s extended Giganetix series, consisting of 32 camera types. The new variant is the Giganetix S90, where the optical axis and the cable socket are angled at 90° to each other to create more space for the camera and lens in confined industrial machinery.
All Giganetix cameras are available in this S90 version. The variant has a 90° angled housing with approximately 13mm distance between sensor level and camera rear wall. The Giganetix cameras have a wide selection of CCD and CMOS sensors from Aptina, Sony and Truesense Imaging. They measure 35 x 35 x 75mm, have 65MHz pixel clock sampling, the exposure time is programmable from 10µs to 10s, a trigger latency of around 2µs and jitter of <0.5µs, and various other features. The hardware and software are fully compliant with GigE Vision and GenICam. The cameras are supplied with a C-Mount lens adapter.