Cognex has introduced a new feature for its In-Sight vision systems that allows manufacturers to test the vision system easily and verify that it is functioning correctly. This new functionality called TestRun is available only with In-Sight vision systems and gives users increased confidence in the validity of their vision inspection results.
Now, users can confirm program changes by quickly checking against the baseline configuration. TestRun also makes it easy for system integrators and OEMs to demonstrate that the vision system meets the acceptance criteria when the system is installed at the end user’s facility.
Vision programs can contain many setup parameters. TestRun assigns range limits to these parameters, and when it executes, confirms that the current setup parameters are within the expected limits.
In image inspection, TestRun provides application validation against an image database. A library of 'challenge' images includes examples of 'good' parts and 'bad' parts. Reference images of bad parts can be further graded by the specific defect(s) present in the part.
Users can set up a test routine configuration with TestRun in In-Sight Explorer 4.6 or later using a simple TestRun Setup Wizard. After set-up, TestRun routines can be performed from In-Sight Explorer to verify the test routine or to check program changes. Detailed results may be viewed in the In-Sight Explorer Palette pane.
The VisionView operator interface is used to execute TestRun on the shop floor. TestRun alerts the operator if there are any conditions that could negatively impact the operation of the vision system. With the TestRun Plug-in, an operator can perform the test routines on all systems attached to the VisionView – there is no custom HMI programming or setup required. The Plug-in automatically detects the presence of the TestRun configuration on cameras.