Gardasoft Vision has signed the worldwide rights to the VCubed ultra high brightness LED linelight and traffic monitoring lights. The liquid-cooled VLX2 linelights are many times brighter than conventional air-cooled LED linelights. They are used in linescan applications such as printing, paper, plastic film or web inspection up to 4 metres wide.
Using the lights, manufacturers will be able to reduce costs and increase efficiency, often by running fewer production lines but faster. OEMs will be able to increase the sales value of their systems and systems integrators will be able to achieve higher performance and reduce the ROI time.
The VCubed VTR series lights are used in intelligent traffic based solutions such as ANPR and can provide illumination up to 50 metres or more. This new product line complements the Gardasoft product range of high-speed LED lighting controllers. Gardasoft will manufacture, maintain and develop the current VCubed designs as well as future new developments for high brightness LED line lights and traffic monitoring light technology.