The German company Vitronic has won a tender for 130 speed enforcement systems in Latvia. One hundred systems will be operating alternately in 160 stationary housings and 30 will be used for mobile speed enforcement. Vitronic will supply the systems, the Latvian company SIA Komerccentrs DATI Grupa will implement and integrate them, and Vitronic Baltica will operate the systems.
'PoliScan Speed is the first laser-based speed enforcement system to be used in Latvia' said Dr Norbert Stein, general manager of Vitronic. 'No in-road equipment is necessary. PoliScan Speed is highly reliable and efficiently. Our experiences show that the system generates up to three times more [traffic] cases than conventional systems. This is a great plus factor for our customers.'
Edmunds Zivtinš, head of prevention department at Latvian State Police, commented: 'It is our goal to reduce the currently high numbers of road accidents caused by speeding. PoliScan Speed will be of great help reaching this goal.'
The PoliScan Speed system works with a lidar-based measurement principle. A scanning laser measures the speeds and position of every vehicle in the tracking zone. In this way violations can be identified on multiple lanes, even when speeders tailgate or change lanes. Unlike radar, laser-based measurement operates within road work zones or in bends without any difficulty. Even motorcyclists can be tracked and identified. The system is available as a stationary as well as a mobile solution.